Sarah & Jamie
About the Couple
Venue – Stanbrook Abbey
Why do you want to capture your wedding on video?
Initially, we had just hired a photographer. But after speaking with other couples, the majority of them said the most valuable thing from the day is their wedding video – or their biggest regret if they didn’t have one. Someone also said to me (which stuck with me the most) that the people in the film won’t be around forever so at least you have that memory of them.
I’m sure we won’t remember all aspects of the day and would love to see those bits captured – and re live others!
Why did you pick us?
Your video of Georgia and Neil. My best friend was chief bridesmaid at the wedding and recommended you.
I’d been looking at different videographers over the past month but couldn’t find a style that I liked or one that I felt resonated with us. I thought your videos were lovely.
You guys? …What do you do?..How do you spend your days?..What’s important in life? etc etc
I work as Project Manager at marketing agency in Birmingham, Jamie runs his own construction business. We could not be more opposite. Which is what most people comment on about us.
We’ve been together since I was 17, and half of our relationship has been long distance as I went to university for 4 years up north. Now we live together and love it, though we both still feel like teenagers leading adult lives.
We both work long hours in the week and so try to spend any free time together, I feel like we still try to make up the time from the 4 years apart even though I graduated in 2014! We do love going out to eat, though we’ve taken to staying in a lot for the last 18 months – saving for a wedding!
The proposal? …Tell me everything (all the gushy details)
Jamie is the more extroverted one and the more romantic of us both – always has been. He filled our living room with 100 balloons on Valentines day for example.
But when we went to Vegas, I was not expecting a proposal. Knowing that I don’t enjoy being the centre of attention at all ( don’t ask me how I’ll cope walking down the aisle!) . He booked a private dinner in a gorgeous restaurant that I’d seen online.
It was lovely but had the waitress not taken a video, I wouldn’t have remembered anything he said as I was so overwhelmed!
The Venue/s? … Why this place above anywhere else?
At the age we are, a lot of people are getting married. We’re from Coventry and most of the venues around us we’d either attended a wedding at, or we were going to be attending one there.
My step dad suggested Stanbrook, and I loved it as soon as I saw it. Jamie is not religious at all, but my family are. I was happy to have a non religious ceremony but the great hall in Stanbrook gives it that ‘churchy’ feel. I liked traditional and Jamie likes modern so this converted abbey/hotel really seemed perfect.
What experience do you want to give to your guests?
We just want them to enjoy themselves really. We want it to be memorable for the right reasons, I think some times you can get bogged down in certain details that people don’t remember.